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[19+] Unique Back Of Business Card Ideas To Make a Lasting Impression

[19+] Unique Back Of Business Card Ideas To Make a Lasting Impression

You've spent time perfecting your business card's front—your name, title, contact details, and maybe even a sleek logo. But what about the back? Often overlooked, the back of your business card is prime real estate for creativity and innovation.

In this blog, we'll dive into the unique back of business card ideas to transform the back of your business card from a blank space into a powerful tool that leaves a lasting impression. Let's start making every business card exchange a memorable moment!

Why Should Use The Back of Business Card for Design?

Leaving the back of your business card blank might seem cost-effective, but it’s a missed opportunity and can even be unprofessional. Here’s why you should consider utilizing the entire card:

Don’t Miss Opportunity

Think of your business card as a mini billboard for you or your company. Every inch of it is valuable real estate that can convey additional information or branding elements. 

By leaving the back blank, you're forgoing a chance to promote yourself further, your services, or your unique value proposition. This space can be used to share anything from social media handles and website URLs to special offers and unique selling points. 

Looks Professional

A blank back on a business card can be considered unthoughtful or cheap. In contrast, a well-designed card that utilizes both sides shows attention to detail and a commitment to quality. 

It demonstrates that you’ve put thought into every aspect of your presentation, which can translate into a positive perception of your brand. A fully utilized business card suggests professionalism and thoroughness, qualities that are always attractive to potential clients and partners.

Read more: 

Essential Key Elements that Make Business Cards Stand Out

When designing your business card, it's crucial to know what elements to include on the back to make it effective and memorable. Here are some key tips to ensure your business card stands out:

  • Keep It Simple: One of the most crucial design principles is simplicity. Avoid overcrowding the back of your business card with too much information. Instead, focus on one or two key elements representing your brand.
  • Use White Space: Ample white space is your friend in design. It helps to create a clean, visually appealing look and makes your card more accessible to read. Avoid cramming too many details into the space, as a cluttered card can be overwhelming and challenging to digest.
  • Use Legible Fonts: A grand design or offer is useless if people can't read it. Clear, legible typography ensures that your contact details and any other information are accessible and professional-looking.
  • Use High-Quality Printing: The quality of your business card is essential to your company. Use high-quality designs and an experienced printing service to ensure your card looks professional. Poorly printed cards can give a negative impression and may cause potential clients to question your business's credibility.

Top 19 Unique Back of Business Card Ideas 

1. Integrate QR Code 

back of business card ideas

A QR code is a convenient way to guide people to your website for extra details, whether it’s your menu, current promotions, or online store. With a quick scan, customers can effortlessly dive deeper into what your business has to offer. This keeps your card uncluttered and provides a modern, tech-savvy touch that can impress potential clients.


  • Size: Make it big enough to scan. Aim for at least 1 x 1 inch (2.5 x 2.5 cm).
  • Visibility: Place it in a clear, uncluttered area with good contrast to the background.
  • Test It: Scan the code with different smartphones before printing to ensure it works.
  • Call to Action: Add a short message above or below the QR code that instructs people to scan it (e.g., "Scan for contact info" or "Visit our website").

2. Add a Fun Fact

Why not make your business card memorable by sharing a quirky or interesting fact about your industry? Adding a fun fact can spark curiosity and conversation, making your card more than just a contact information.

For instance, if you own a coffee shop, you may include a fact like, "Did you know? Coffee is the second most traded commodity globally, after oil." This provides a fun tidbit for your recipients and subtly highlights your expertise and passion for your industry. 


  • Relevance: Choose a fact that somehow relates to your industry or brand. This creates a connection between the information and you.
  • Conciseness: Keep it short and sweet. Ideally, the fact should be readable in a single glance.
  • Surprise & Delight: Aim for something unexpected or exciting that will spark a smile or conversation starter.

3. Remind Customers of Their Next Appointment

Business cards are traditionally used as appointment reminders, a common sight in doctors' offices and salons. You can adapt this for your own business, whether you run a store, an architecture firm, or a construction company.


  • Headline: To grab attention, use a clear headline like "Next Appointment Reminder" or "See You Again On..."
  • Space for Details: Leave a designated space for you to write in the specific date and time of the next appointment. Pre-printing "Date:" and "Time:" saves space.
  • Limited Text: Keep the reminder message concise. Avoid cluttering the back with unnecessary information.

4. Promote Your Social Media

back of business card ideas

Nowadays, many people, including your potential clients, love multimedia elements because they entertain and convey more information. That's why you should consider using the back of your business card to promote your social media channel, highlighting essential aspects of your brand, product, or service.


  • Focus on Active Platforms: Only include the social media platforms you use and update regularly.
  • Clear Icons: Use universally recognized social media icons for easy identification.
  • Simplify Linking: Include a QR code that links to a landing page where all your social media profiles are accessible.

5. Loyalty Cards

back of business card ideas

Want to keep customers coming back for more? Turn your business card into a loyalty card. When someone visits your store or café, they can collect stamps or punches on their card. Once they've gathered enough, they unlock a special reward. 

Making your business card double as a loyalty card makes you stand out from the crowd. Ensure your logo and contact details are clear on the front, leaving space for stamps or punches on the back. 


  • Clear Distinction: Ensure the loyalty program section is visually distinct from your contact information while integrated. Icons or a different background color can help.
  • Durability: The loyalty section needs to withstand repeated punches or stamps. Consider a separate loyalty card insert or a more durable material for the back of the card.
  • Simple Tracking: Choose a method that's easy for you and the customer. Punches, stamps, or a designated space to write down points are common options.

6. Share an Evergreen Tip

Make your business card valuable by including essential life tips or fun facts about your industry. This helpful information will provide value to recipients and encourage them to keep the card.


  • Relevance: Select a tip that has some connection to your area of expertise. Doing this establishes your authority and becomes recognized as a thought leader.
  • Evergreen Focus: Ensure the tip is timeless and will remain relevant for a long time, avoiding trends or fads.
  • Visual Appeal: Consider adding a small, related icon or image to enhance the tip's visual impact.

7. Integrate into Event Tickets

back of business card ideas

Print your business cards with your business details, logo, venue, and event information to turn them into event tickets.

Add features like stamped foil or raised foil to make them stand out. This is a reliable way to grab attention and excite your customers about attending your event. It's a unique approach that makes your business card functional and memorable, ensuring it won't be easily discarded.


  • Durability: Standard business card stock might not be ideal for tearing or handling at the door. Consider a thicker card stock or a separate tear-off ticket section.
  • Uniqueness: Ensure the ticket section is distinct from your contact information to avoid confusion.

8. Include a Magnet

back of business card ideas

Ensure your business card is easy to find so you can never forget it. Put a magnet on the back of your card so the recipient can stick it to their computer, office cupboard, refrigerator, or any other adjacent surface. Your contact information stays visible and handy, making it more likely to be recovered and remembered. It's a simple yet effective way to ensure your business card remains valuable and memorable.


  • Magnet Size: The magnet should cover most of the back of the card for a stronghold, but avoid overlapping important contact information on the front.
  • Adhesive Quality: Ensure the adhesive used to attach the magnet is strong enough to withstand everyday wear and tear.
  • Branding Consistency: For a unified appearance, choose logos and colors that complement your brand identity.

9. Add Testimonials and Reviews

A favorable endorsement or review, particularly from a well-known figure in your field, is an essential source of social proof that can draw in new customers. Displaying a glowing testimonial on your business card shows potential clients that others have had great experiences with your services, making them more likely to trust and choose you.


  • Choose impactful quotes: Short snippets from positive testimonials or reviews highlighting your best qualities or the benefits you provide.
  • Focus on credibility: Ideally, choose quotes from well-known clients or those that showcase specific achievements.
  • Keep it concise: Space is limited, making the quote easily readable.

10. Show off Your Slogan

Make sure your business cards fit into your overall branding strategy. If you have a catchy tagline or fun slogan for your small business, highlight it on the back of your card. This is an easy way to reinforce your brand identity with every card you hand out. A memorable slogan not only makes your card more engaging but also helps people remember your business long after they've received it.


  • Headline Placement: Position your slogan prominently at the top or center of the back for maximum visibility.
  • Size Matters: Make the slogan large enough to be easily noticed but not so big it overwhelms the back of the card.
  • Underline or Accentuate: To make the slogan stand out further, use a subtle underline, a bold outline, or a color change.

11. Include Referral Offer

Improve the lifetime of your business cards by including a referral incentive on the reverse side. For example, "For each new client you refer, you get 25% off X service or product." This motivates your clients to save your business cards and spread the news. It’s a simple yet effective way to turn satisfied clients into active promoters, boosting your business through referrals.


  • Benefit-focused: Briefly explain the referral program's benefits for the customer and the person they refer (e.g., "You get $10 off, they get 10% off").
  • Action Prompt: Include a clear call to action, such as "Tell Your Friends" or "Share Our Offer."
  • Unique Code: Consider including a unique referral code for each customer to track their referrals easily. 

12. Integrate Raffle Cards

back of business card ideas

If you're running a raffle, consider using business cards as an affordable alternative to traditional tickets. Leave ample space on the card for participants to write their names on the back. This straightforward and practical solution adds a personal touch to your raffle and makes it easy for participants to join.


  • Clear Distinction: Ensure the raffle section is visually distinct from your contact information.
  • Raffle Details: Briefly mention the prize and the raffle draw date on the card itself.
  • Space for Information: Leave a designated space for the customer to write their name and contact information (e.g., email address or phone number) for the raffle draw.

13. Add Discounts or Coupons

back of business card ideas

A discount or a two-for-one deal on your business card is a powerful incentive for potential customers to try your business and return for more. Adding this little touch may turn your business card from a contact tool into a valued offer that encourages client interaction.


  • Headline: Use a clear and concise headline like "Discount Inside!" or "Save Now With This Coupon."
  • Simple Wording: Avoid overly complicated terms or conditions. Keep it easy to understand at a glance.
  • Action Prompt: Include a clear call to action, such as "Present This Card" or "Mention This Coupon at Checkout."
  • Balance & Hierarchy: Maintain a clean and balanced layout. The discount offer should be prominent but not overwhelm your contact information.

14. Show Your Picture

back of business card ideas

Including your picture on the back of your business card makes it more personal and memorable. It helps build connections with potential clients, making you and your business more relatable and trustworthy.


    • Good Lighting and Background: Ensure the headshot has good lighting and a clean, uncluttered background that doesn't distract from your face.
    • Professional Attire: Dress professionally in attire that aligns with your industry standards.
  • Size and Proportion: The photo size should be appropriate for the business card size. Don't let it overwhelm the essential contact information.
  • 15. Showcase Your Portfolio

    The reverse side of your business card can function as a mini-portfolio if you are employed in the visual arts. This approach works wonders for graphic designers, illustrators, and photographers, as a well-chosen image is often worth over a thousand words.


    • Quality over Quantity: Prioritize high-resolution images for a professional presentation, even using a smaller size.
    • Relevance to Your Field: Ensure the visuals on the back connect to your services.
    • Call to Action: Include a subtle call to action, such as "See More Work" or "Visit My Portfolio," to encourage viewers to explore further.

    16. Include a Map of Your Location

    back of business card ideas

    Including a Map of Your Location is especially handy if your location is hard to find or if you want to guide customers on parking. It's a practical addition that helps clients easily locate and visit your business. Including a map makes your card a contact tool and a helpful guide.


    • Simple is Best: Opt for a minimalist map emphasizing clarity over intricate details. Highlight key landmarks or roads around your business to provide context.
    • Prioritize Contact Information: Ensure your contact details on the front of the card are clear and easy to read. 
    • Digital Integration: A small QR code on the map can link to a detailed online map with directions and additional location information.

    17. Include a "Thank You" Message

    back of business card ideas

    Expressing gratitude with a “thank you” message on the back of your business card is a thoughtful way to appreciate your customers. A simple "thank you" can go a long way in building customer loyalty and showing that you value their business.


    • Simple & Sincere: A short and heartfelt message of appreciation goes a long way.
    • Personalization: For a more personal touch, consider adding "We appreciate your support" or "Thanks for choosing us!"

    18. Show a List of Services

    back of business card ideas

    If you provide a range, list your services on your card. This way, customers may quickly get the information that matters to them. For example, if you are a web designer, you can list your services, such as website design, hosting services, and search engine optimization. This ensures potential clients immediately see what you can do, making your card valuable.


    • Focus on Core Offerings: List 3-5 of your most essential services that best represent what you do.
    • Clear and Concise Wording: Use short, action-oriented verbs and simple language to describe each service. 
    • Icons or Illustrations: Small icons or illustrations next to each service can add visual interest and further clarify what you offer.

    19. Add Statistics

    To make it persuasive and educational, provide industry-specific data on your card, such as the frequency of potential customer needs for your goods and services. The recipient can quickly grasp how valuable your business could be to them and become a customer. For example, if you run a cleaning service, you might include a statistic about how regular professional cleaning can improve indoor air quality.


    • Quantifiable and Believable: Use a statistic with a clear source (e.g., "Increased website traffic by 30%," citing a study).
    • Impactful and Relevant: Select a statistic that is impressive, directly related to your services, and benefits the customer.
    • Visual Hierarchy: Highlight the statistic with a larger font or bold text compared to the rest of the information.

    How To Quickly Bring Back Business Card Ideas

    There are many creative ways to use the space on the back of your business card, so bringing your ideas to life efficiently and effectively is crucial. Here are some ways to quickly bring your back-of-business card ideas to life:

    Online Design Tools

    • Free Templates: Use free, pre-designed templates on platforms like Canva, Adobe Spark, or VistaPrint. These offer layouts with customizable text and images.
    • Drag-and-Drop Editing: Most online tools allow easy drag-and-drop editing of elements like logos, icons, and text boxes.
    • QR Code Generators: Use online QR code generators to integrate a QR code leading to your website, portfolio, or social media.

    Simple & Effective Ideas

    • Call to Action: Add a clear "Call to Action" like "Contact Us Today" or "Visit Our Website."
    • Social Media Icons: Include icons for your social media profiles (e.g., LinkedIn, Instagram).
    • Highlight Services: Briefly list your key offerings or areas of expertise.
    • Complementary Image: Use a relevant image that complements your brand or front-of-card design.


    • Keep it concise: Backspace is limited. Focus on clear and essential information.
    • Maintain branding: Use consistent colors, fonts, and logos on the front for a unified look.
    • Proofread carefully: Double-check for any typos or errors before printing.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How can I design the back of my business card for maximum impact?

    Designing the back of your business card opens up a world of creative possibilities. You can include a QR code for quick access to your website, contact information for easy reach, a catchy tagline that encapsulates your brand, and your social media profiles to boost your online presence. Additionally, you can offer special deals or promotions to entice potential clients. Don't forget to use white space strategically to keep the design clean and visually appealing.

    2. Is it okay to put my social media accounts on my business card's reverse side?

    Absolutely! Including your social media profiles on the back of your business card is a great way to encourage potential clients to connect with you online.

    3. Should my business card have a back?

    Yes. The back of your business card offers more space for info or branding, making it more impactful and professional.

    4. Should your business card have your logo?

    Yes, your business card should have your logo. It's a key part of brand recognition and makes your card more memorable.

    Make Your Back Of Business Card Impressive

    A well-designed business card allows you to make an impression rather than just exchange contact details.  From integrating QR codes and promoting your media to offering discounts and sharing fun facts, these unique ideas can transform your business card into a powerful marketing tool. Don't let the back of your card go to waste—use it to make a memorable impact that keeps your business at the forefront of potential clients' minds.

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